A performer in 

 the Eurovision contest was sent home due to an allegation of intimidation made by a female crew member to Swedish police.

By Arforbes

Contest organizers 

 decided it was inappropriate for the performer to continue in the contest while the legal process unfolds.

1. The Dutch broadcaster  

deemed the performer's exclusion disproportionate.

The performer, 

 Duncan Klein, had been a favorite to win with his song "Europapa," dedicated to his late father.

 Klein's suspension 

 occurred during a dress rehearsal, with his props removed and his performance skipped without explanation.

 Israel's entrant replaced Klein in the running order after his suspension.

 The European 

 Broadcasting Union (EBU) is investigating the incident involving Klein.

Swedish police 

 confirmed they were investigating the performer for making "unlawful threats" at the Malmö Arena after a semi-final performance.