I’ll demonstrate how to speed up AdSense on the Blogger website in this article. Therefore, carefully follow the instructions to apply for this on your website. 

What is Google AdSense for Speedup?

Speed is an optimization strategy to postpone loading the script till the user requests it. Therefore, rather than speeding up the entire page at once, we speed up the bulky script and simply load the necessary script to display the above-the-fold material.

Assume that a person loads the page, reads the first few paragraphs, and then clicks the Back button. As a result, the user does not scroll down the page, wasting the graphics and videos that load below the webpage. In order to speed up the photos, videos, and below advertising,

One of the biggest causes of delayed page loading is AdSense, which also loads extra JavaScript. 

The Page Speed Insight tool reveals that AdSense is using more than 50% of the page space and loading extra script on our Blogger website, as illustrated in the example below. 

How does the speedup loading AdSense script operate?

The Lazyload Adsense script will postpone the loading of Ads and load just the necessary requests to display the page when you integrate it into your website. 

The Adsense code will begin to render in the browser when the user begins to interact with the website, such as scrolling, and your ads will appear on the page.

Because Adsense script essentially loads in response to user input, the page speed insight tool will not identify a load of Adsense script. 

By doing this, you may minimize the size of your entire page and speed up how quickly mobile devices with sluggish internet connections can load the page. 

Let’s look at how you may speed up the loading of your Blogger page by installing the most recent speedup loading  Adsense script. 

How Can Blogger Speed AdSense?

Follow the instructions carefully below to speedup loading AdSense on Blogger. 

Step 1: Open the Theme section of the Blogger dashboard. 

Step 2: At this point, create a backup of your theme, then select Edit HTML. 

Step 3: Remove all of the previous Adsense code from your blogger theme.

Step 4: Next, copy the code below and substitute your own Adsense publisher ID for it add code in before body close </bode>.

<script type=’text/javascript’>


var lazyadsense2 = false;

window.addEventListener(“scroll”, function(){

if ((document.documentElement.scrollTop != 0 && lazyadsense2 === false) || (document.body.scrollTop != 0 && lazyadsense2 === false)) {

(function() { var ad = document.createElement(‘script’); ad.setAttribute(‘data-ad-client’,’ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx‘); ad.async = true; ad.src = ‘’; var sc = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; sc.parentNode.insertBefore(ad, sc); })();

lazyadsense2 = true;


}, true);



Step 5: Save your Adsense code and add it to your Blogger website using the lazyload method.

Your page loading performance will significantly increase since all of your Adsense advertising now load after the page does.

Important procedures for speed adsense’s optimal operation

For this Lazyload AdSense script to operate properly, there are a few crucial actions that you must take. 

To disconnect from AdSense, go to the Blogger dashboard and choose the Earning tab. The lazy loading won’t function correctly if it doesn’t since it will load the AdSense code again. 

As seen in the image below, you must eliminate a certain section of the manual AdSense ad unit code. because your Blogger website does not require multiple copies of the AdSense javascript code. 

speed AdSense's optimal operation


You must now delete the highlighted text from each Manual ad unit that is present on the website. If not, the Lazyload script might need to be overnighted. 

We have now correctly integrated Lazyload Adsense onto our Blogger website. It is time to run another test using the page speed insight tool.

Advantages of Using Lazyload

The use of Lazyload Adsense on the website has a number of advantages. 

  • It speeds up loading time and makes the essential online functions of a website user-friendly. 
  • decreases initial load time and conserves server bandwidth. 
  • improves the user experience in general
  • reduces the amount of hardware necessary

To increase page performance, you may also lazyload images, YouTube iframes, and Google analytics code. I have a thorough video on each of the subjects ready. 


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